Sunday, October 2, 2011

"The Eloquence of Scribes": Initiation, Expectations, and Mastery

Just to give an overview of Wednesday, Dr. Alvin Thornton, a graduate of THE Howard University and Morehouse College, came and spoke to our Freshman Seminar class about Self-Actualization and "The Eloquence of Scribes." He believes that we are the replacement leaders of our nation and that we are the chosen few selected among thousands of young people to attend the Mecca. As far as answering the questions asked of us: 1) What can and will you do to be apart of the "best and brightest" of Howard? I will personally achieve greatness by excelling in my classes, being involved in clubs and/or organizations that can help with my career or by being involved on campus, and I will continue to have faith that everything I want for myself works out in the end. 2) What does it mean to be a citizen of the world? How does your citizenship in the nation inform your world citizenry? To be a citizen of the world means to be as aware as possible about your nation and other countries in the world. One who is a citizen of the world is deeply informed. 3) Identify a representative thinker of Howard. How does that figures life work inspire you to "till and turn over the soil" which, as Dr. Thornton noted, is expected of each Howard student? Dr. Carr is a representative thinker and his life work is inspiring. From expressing the importance of mbongi's to everyday issues going on in the world, he puts his own ideas and input in every lecture. He allows you to view a different aspect of what topic he is discussing. He has made me realize that if you are determined to know about something or create something new, to pursue it.

Alexis Nicole Thrasher
Group 19

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