Sunday, October 2, 2011

Future Leaders of the World

I was inspired by our speaker this week. He emphasized the importance of being connected to the issues that surround our communities. He encouraged us to action on these issuses and ask questions of the people that are in charge so that we can implement the changes that we see fit. I also learned that we can never be complacent about our condition if we see that something is wrong with our society. What if Nelson Mandela or Malcolm X had been complacent about their situations? We would'nt even be afforded the oportunity to be at Howard or be able to have most of the freedoms that we enjoy today. Since we go to one of the most prestigious universities, we have the resposibility to ourselves as well as to others to improve the human condition. It is crucial to ask questions and challenge policies that provide unnecessary obstacles and hardship. If we do not do it who will? Who will fight for us if we are not willing to fight for ourselves? As citizens of the world we must take action and accountability for the problems that exist and become leaders in the world that we live in.

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