Sunday, October 9, 2011

Miss Evers Boys

I really enjoyed the play. It was about the social and ethical problems involving the Tuskegee Study of untreated Blacks with syphilis. This was a study from the federal government on black men with untreated syphilis. The men thought that they were coming to be treated for their disease but were actually only given placebos. The study was not meant to cure the men but to see how black men responded to the disease versus how white men did. They watched as the black men deteriorated and died. The study went on for years before the public was outraged. A nurse, Miss Evers, was aware of the lack of treatment but felt sympathetic and tried to console many of these men. She became close friends with many and even had a relationship with one. This play tells the story of this study through Miss Evers. I was surprised to see that the play was about this topic. When I heard about the play I though it would be somewhat about Medgar Evers. I feel strongly about this topic because I want to do research one day and I was told by a few black researchers that these type of studies still go on and that's why we need more Black researchers, to prevent this from happening.

Parker Gilkesson
Group 19

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