Sunday, October 16, 2011

Midnight Madness Mayhem(Free Write)

On October 15th, Midnight Madness was the talk on Howard University's campus. Everyone attended the HU vs. Georgetown game with intentions of going to Midnight Madness later on that evening. My friends and I were amped and ready for the night ahead of us. I personally had heard many stories about Midnight Madness; especially the story about the students bum rushing the security guards in order to get into the event. Well something similar happened yesterday. Many texts were sent out to HU students saying if you want to get in and get a good seat then you must arrive promptly at 9pm. Some students took that into consideration and others listened and simply arrived on time. But for the ones, like me and many other students, who arrived around 10:45pm, were faced with a dilemma. The security guards were not letting anyone else into Midnight Madness and as a result of this there were fights, yelling, and chaos everywhere. Many were hit by police and others were trampled. There was one police officer in particular that was out of line. He hit my friend and was involved in another fight with two females. He was crazy and completely out of line! As a result of this Midnight Madness Mayhem, the event ended early and everyone was asked to leave. In the end, the night was full of craziness and was NOT a success.

Alexis Nicole Thrasher
Group 19

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