Friday, September 9, 2011

You should aim to be a Omoluabi

Parker Gilkesson
Group 19
W 12:10pm-1:00pm

The speaker of this lecture was Segun Gbadegesin. To start off the lecture he spoke about Iijuba. Iijuba means homage. He said he paid homage to the creator and the created and many other things including the class of 2015! He some on multiple subjects, but there were 3 that stood out to me. He proposed a research question that stated "How have scholars across the various fields of study advanced and transformed academic knowledge related to enduring problems of the human condition?" What must you know in order to answer this question? He stated that you must have knowledge of those various human conditions, understand advancement and transformation, and also realize that there is only one race which is the human race. Further into the lecture he talked about another subject that shocked me. I was always raised knowing that the "Mother Land" had a wealth of history and knowledge, however, the speaker stated that other historians of other cultures thought differently. They said that Africa has no history. To show how this notion was incorrect he gave us examples of African equivalents to Jesus, Moses, Socrates and other Philosophers that existed way before Christ. He also showed us Africa's equivalent to the 10 commandments. One of the last points he went over was Omoluabi. An Omoluabi is a person who has great character and is disciplined. The speaker said that "Everyone wants to be told that they are a Omoluabi." I personally took from the statement that in Africa, to be an Omoluabi is to be a leader and an esteemed person in your community.

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