Sunday, September 25, 2011

144th Convocation of Howard University

Michael Lomax, UNCF President and Chief, was the keynote speaker and also received a Doctor of Humane Letters at the 144th Convocation held in Cramtom Auditorium on September 23rd, 2011. He approached the podium with a smile on his face and first acknowledged everyone present and lastly acknowledged the amazing Howard University choir and orchestra. He said that "There is nothing like an African American choir." From there on went on to speak about how he ran for Mayor twice in the city of Atlanta, my hometown, and did not win either times. Lomax then pointed out Mayor Kasim Reed in the row behind him and said, "Now I know why I didn't win the Mayoral position...because I went to the wrong school." He attended Morehouse College and was implying that if he had attended Howard University that he may have possibly won the position of Mayor. Three Howard Alum have been the Mayor of Atlanta: Shirley Franklin, Andrew Young, and now, Kasim Reed. After cracking a few jokes, Lomax goes onto the main part of his speech, education and the UNCF. He speaks on a few major points but the most important I believe is that we need an increase in African Americans going to college or graduating in general. Whether it be from high school or college, the rate should be increasing and he believes that the UNCF can help with that. There are many scholarships offered and other ways young, African Americans can use to get on the path to attending college. Lomax touched on that all it takes is involvement and determination. He says, "We cannot afford to lose anymore black colleges. They need to perform at the top of their game." Howard University is one of the most prestigious universities in the WORLD. People look up to us. When I used to tell people I was attending Howard, they would say "Wow, I'm so proud of you." or "That is an amazing school and you will do great things." Lomax feels the same way about our institution. He concludes by saying "Howard was there for you, now Howard needs you."
He was an outstanding speaker. He was funny and captivating. I know his family personally and I've seen him in a family oriented light, but this was an amazing experience to hear him speak about such an important topic, education, especially in Black America.

Alexis Nicole Thrasher
Group 19

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