Sunday, September 18, 2011

Did We Abandon Africa?

The lecture this week detailed the abandonment of African culture during the African diaspora. The African diaspora played a large role in somewhat of a disconnect between Africans that remained in Africa and the ones that were taken to the New World. This brings upon the question of whether or not African culture was abandoned completely when Africans reached the New World. Dr. Beatty exposed us to various historical opinions that answered that very question. According to E. Franklin Frazier, the Africans that were brought to the New World, they lost all of their culture and were indoctrinated with the New World culture. However there is evidence that suggests that this is not the case. There are several things that show that African culture is still a very integral part of American culture. From music and the arts to mathematics and science, African culture has made significant contributions. I believe that African culture is a very relevant part of my heritage as well as many other African Americans. It is inspiring to see that such a wonderfully diverse culture has such an impact on people today.

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