Sunday, September 25, 2011

The evolution of HU from Conservative to Activist

Dr. Wright truly spoke from the heart during our lecture on Wednesday. He didn't have a powerpoint and it didn't even look like he had notes. He just said what he felt. He didn't stutter, mumble, or say anything he didn't mean to say. I absolutely loved his lecture! First he spoke about how the black community was more of a community during segregation and they actually worked together. He stated that then they all understood the importance of Education also. They all knew that "Education equaled liberation." He said it is sad that education is declining as time goes by because they fought the fight for it to be easy for the young coming along.

He attended Howard University from 1960-1964. He told us that one of the most life changing events that took place in his life, and the life of everyother Howard student at the time, was the Fall of 1961. During that time Malcolm X came to campus to debate with another African American Male. Before Malcolm X came the campus was mainly conservative. Malcolm came and spoke about how being black at a University should not be taken for granted and you should always have power of mind. After he left student activism became major at Howard University, which eventually helped turned the tide in Civil Rights activism.

After Dr. Wright's lecture, I feel like he did what Malcolm X did for his generation for us. Well, he did a refresher. After his speech students protested the execution of Troy Davis and also protested the A building. His lecture was so genuine and refreshing! I really enjoyed it

Parker Gilkesson
Group 19

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