Sunday, September 11, 2011

Omoluabi. What does that mean?

Alexis Thrasher
Group 19
September 11, 2011

What is the human condition? That is the first question that Dr. Segun Gbadegesin asked our Freshman Seminar class. However, the seminar research question is: How have scholars acrss the various fields of study advanced and transformed academic knowledge related to enduring problems of the human condition? He went on to discuss various points that had to relate to scholars and how they contribute to Omoluabi: self actualization and communal responsibility. Omoluabi is a person of character, disciplined, and self improving, thus earning the respect of peers and community on account of practical wisdom, putting knowledge accquired through education to the service of the community, and not shying away from personal sacrifices when needed. Another definition of Omoluabi is a child begotten of the chief of iwa. Iwa is existence or character and Orunmila's wife. Orunmila is the God of Wisdom. These characters all come from the Story of Iwa. Iwa marries Orunmila and as the relationship progresses, he began to beat her. Suuru, Iwa's father, did not like this happening at all. Iwa left Orunmila and at that point, Orunmila lost everything he had. Once you lose Iwa, you lose yourself. So then in desperation, Orunmila went to look for Iwa. From then on, Orunmila was simply out of luck. Another point that Dr.G made was that the relevance of the research question is to see how scholars, especially at Howard, have been transforming scholarship. There are three key points to the question: Knowledge, Wisdom, and Philosophy. Knowledge is the acquisition of factual information without insight into their supporting reasons. Wisdom is when a wise person is skilled in turning his or her humanly oriented knowledge to serve the process of human relations. And a philosopher is a wise person. All of these characteristics are key for a scholar. Both Dr.Carr and Dr. G are scholars in my eyes. They both had very important key points and issues to address to our class. They both made me want to listen and learn more. I cannot wait for the next guest speaker!

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