Sunday, September 11, 2011

More Than a Game

Often people can get carried away when it comes to competition. This weekend however, Howard and Morehouse used this opportunity to educate and nurture the community by providing several enriching events besides the football game. I attended chapel service this Sunday and I definitely felt that this weekend was about "more than a game". Dr. Robert Michael Franklin, President of Morehouse College, delivered an excellent sermon that gave several life lessons that will stay with me forever. Dr. Franklin started off by reading Ecclesiastes 3:1-11. This scripture was powerful because it reassured us that every emotion has a season and as long as you trust in God, you will be fine. This certainly spoke to the mood of the day in general because of the fact that it is September 11th. Although it happened 10 years ago, it is still a very relevant event in our history. Dr. Franklin went on to call us to realize the greatness that is Howard and Morehouse as well as all HBCUs. It is important to realize that though we are struggling right now as a culture but we will make it through these difficulties. 

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