Sunday, September 25, 2011

Convocation: A Howard Tradition

As a freshman this year, I attended convocation for the first time. Going into it I had no idea what it was but I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was such a wonderful experience. I learned a lot from the speaker, Micheal Lomax. He provided a lot of insight into the world of HBCU's and the steps being taken toward improving their status. The points that he made were very enlightening. It was refreshing see that he addressed the problem of the black male not attending HBCUs. I believe this is due to the fact that HBCUs are underfunded and are not able to give scholarships that other universities are able to. I am glad that UNCF is trying to eradicate this problem by getting more funding for HBCUs and insuring that they make the necessary improvements. I believe that it is important to also promote other HBCUs and build them up as opposed to competing with one another. Convocation is definitely something that I would recommend everyone attend because it displays all that Howard University has to offer.

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