Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Real HU

Since the day I got my acceptance letter to Howard, I have been imagining what my first week would be like. My first week was certainly not how I imagined but it was still an experience that I will never forget. When I first got here was worried that as soon as my family left I would feel completely alone. Fortunately, this was not the case. I got along great with my roommate and with all the activities going on on campus, there was always something to do. When classes started, I was reassured that my choice to go to Howard University was the right one. I was reminded that this was an institution in which I could feel comfortable learning and ask questions.

At first glance, Freshman Seminar definitely seems like a pointless class. On Wednesday when arrived to the crowded auditorium, I was impressed by the information I received. The lecture that I am the most excited for is definitely " Practices of Freedom and Justice: A Charge to Keep". I am mostly interested in this lecture because I want to foster change in communities that desperately need it. I feel like this lecture will begin to show me how I can use the knowledge I will obtain during my matriculation at Howard University.

Now that  I have survived my first week at Howard University, I truly have realized that I made the right decision in where I chose to cultivate my education.

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