Saturday, August 27, 2011

College: My First Week

Thelma Mubaiwa
Freshman Seminar
W: 12:10- 1:00

My first week here at Howard has been more amazing than I expected it to be.The campus pals did an amazing job of making me feel very accepted and welcomed here. I moved here from San Diego, CA which is across the United States. This would be the first time I would ever be so far away from home and be staying by myself. I had only a little nervousness abou what the people here would be like and if I would like my roomate or not. Any nervousness I had aboout meeting new people was put aside when I met my dorm mates. We all were very open and accepting towards each other so there wasn't any lingering akwardness left.

Before going to Freshman Seminar I expected it to be a waste of time because of what some of the upperclassmen had expressed. I was very glad to see that they were wrong. I loved my freshman seminar class. The second Dr. Williams began speaking about the Black Diaspora and the falseness about black people not knowing how to read I was hooked. I'm really interested in hearing the Learning, Wisdom, and the African World Experience lecture. I feel most comfortable learning about the Abandonement and Dismemberment: " Something Torn and New". Being that I am African, the whole diaspora of Africans entertains me. I am looking forward to learning about what actually happened, from the beginning. I feel that Freshman Seminar is going to help me become very open minded as well as more challenging to things here at Howard.My expectations so far have been met and I'm still interested in not only more from the schoo,l but also from myself.

(photo taken from computer): Thelma mubaiwa

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