Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Beginning of the Rest of My Life at Howard University

When I first arrived at Howard University on August 11th, 2011, I was most excited to meet my roommate and to start Freshman week. I had heard about the many different things that would occur during Freshman week such as the parties and the ice cream social! After that whole week of non stop fun, I began to realize that once school started I would not be partying every night or be staying out late hanging out with friends. Monday crept up on me and as I hit my alarm clock's off button, I realized that this was the beginning of the rest of my life.

My early thoughts about Freshman Seminar...I had no idea what to expect. I thought the class would simply be about what to expect as incoming Freshman at Howard University, helpful study strategies, and what certain events are planned for the year. After I attended my first Freshman Seminar class this past Wednesday, I was really surprised at what I was going to be learning. Some of the topics and lectures stated, I had never heard of, however they did seem fairly interesting. For example, Lecture 3, "Abandonment & Dismemberment: Something Torn and New", seems the most interesting to me because I do want to learn more about where we came from and where enslaved africans traveled to. I feel most comfortable learning about this lecture. I expect that this course will give me he knowledge about my heritage and its history. The information shown on the slideshow during class opened my eyes and made me interested in what Freshman Seminar has to offer me.

Alexis Nicole Thrasher

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