Sunday, August 28, 2011

My First Week of College

Parker Gilkesson
Freshman Seminar

My first week of college helped me to realize that college is everything you make it. If you make it a great time, it will be a great time. If you make it a horrible time, it will be exactly that. I made my first week of college great! I went to all of the events I wanted to go to and I also tried to organize my time so that I could study and be prepared for class. Although it is only the first week, I can already feel myself getting into the groove of things. Furthermore, going on from this week, I feel that college will be awesome if I maximize and organize my time, prioritize, and make the most of everyday. My expectations of Howard life have been met, however, I feel that they will be exceeded as the year goes by.

Before I attended Freshman Seminar on Wednesday, I had no idea what it would be like. I wasn't told anything prior to going to the class so I thought it would be about study skills and things to prepare freshman for college and its work. When I learned that we would be lectured on the Black Diaspora, and other things of Black history, I was pleased. I am always open to learning about our history because I feel like I'm learning more about myself. In my opinion, when you learn about where you're people have been, its more clear to you where you should go in the future and not to "reinvent the wheel." I expect that freshman seminar will be extremely informational. Also, I am looking forward to hearing Dr. Carr's lecture. I have heard that he is one of the best Professors on Howard's Campus.

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