Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Real HU

Since the day I got my acceptance letter to Howard, I have been imagining what my first week would be like. My first week was certainly not how I imagined but it was still an experience that I will never forget. When I first got here was worried that as soon as my family left I would feel completely alone. Fortunately, this was not the case. I got along great with my roommate and with all the activities going on on campus, there was always something to do. When classes started, I was reassured that my choice to go to Howard University was the right one. I was reminded that this was an institution in which I could feel comfortable learning and ask questions.

At first glance, Freshman Seminar definitely seems like a pointless class. On Wednesday when arrived to the crowded auditorium, I was impressed by the information I received. The lecture that I am the most excited for is definitely " Practices of Freedom and Justice: A Charge to Keep". I am mostly interested in this lecture because I want to foster change in communities that desperately need it. I feel like this lecture will begin to show me how I can use the knowledge I will obtain during my matriculation at Howard University.

Now that  I have survived my first week at Howard University, I truly have realized that I made the right decision in where I chose to cultivate my education.

My First Week of College

Parker Gilkesson
Freshman Seminar

My first week of college helped me to realize that college is everything you make it. If you make it a great time, it will be a great time. If you make it a horrible time, it will be exactly that. I made my first week of college great! I went to all of the events I wanted to go to and I also tried to organize my time so that I could study and be prepared for class. Although it is only the first week, I can already feel myself getting into the groove of things. Furthermore, going on from this week, I feel that college will be awesome if I maximize and organize my time, prioritize, and make the most of everyday. My expectations of Howard life have been met, however, I feel that they will be exceeded as the year goes by.

Before I attended Freshman Seminar on Wednesday, I had no idea what it would be like. I wasn't told anything prior to going to the class so I thought it would be about study skills and things to prepare freshman for college and its work. When I learned that we would be lectured on the Black Diaspora, and other things of Black history, I was pleased. I am always open to learning about our history because I feel like I'm learning more about myself. In my opinion, when you learn about where you're people have been, its more clear to you where you should go in the future and not to "reinvent the wheel." I expect that freshman seminar will be extremely informational. Also, I am looking forward to hearing Dr. Carr's lecture. I have heard that he is one of the best Professors on Howard's Campus.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

College: My First Week

Thelma Mubaiwa
Freshman Seminar
W: 12:10- 1:00

My first week here at Howard has been more amazing than I expected it to be.The campus pals did an amazing job of making me feel very accepted and welcomed here. I moved here from San Diego, CA which is across the United States. This would be the first time I would ever be so far away from home and be staying by myself. I had only a little nervousness abou what the people here would be like and if I would like my roomate or not. Any nervousness I had aboout meeting new people was put aside when I met my dorm mates. We all were very open and accepting towards each other so there wasn't any lingering akwardness left.

Before going to Freshman Seminar I expected it to be a waste of time because of what some of the upperclassmen had expressed. I was very glad to see that they were wrong. I loved my freshman seminar class. The second Dr. Williams began speaking about the Black Diaspora and the falseness about black people not knowing how to read I was hooked. I'm really interested in hearing the Learning, Wisdom, and the African World Experience lecture. I feel most comfortable learning about the Abandonement and Dismemberment: " Something Torn and New". Being that I am African, the whole diaspora of Africans entertains me. I am looking forward to learning about what actually happened, from the beginning. I feel that Freshman Seminar is going to help me become very open minded as well as more challenging to things here at Howard.My expectations so far have been met and I'm still interested in not only more from the schoo,l but also from myself.

(photo taken from computer): Thelma mubaiwa

The Beginning of the Rest of My Life at Howard University

When I first arrived at Howard University on August 11th, 2011, I was most excited to meet my roommate and to start Freshman week. I had heard about the many different things that would occur during Freshman week such as the parties and the ice cream social! After that whole week of non stop fun, I began to realize that once school started I would not be partying every night or be staying out late hanging out with friends. Monday crept up on me and as I hit my alarm clock's off button, I realized that this was the beginning of the rest of my life.

My early thoughts about Freshman Seminar...I had no idea what to expect. I thought the class would simply be about what to expect as incoming Freshman at Howard University, helpful study strategies, and what certain events are planned for the year. After I attended my first Freshman Seminar class this past Wednesday, I was really surprised at what I was going to be learning. Some of the topics and lectures stated, I had never heard of, however they did seem fairly interesting. For example, Lecture 3, "Abandonment & Dismemberment: Something Torn and New", seems the most interesting to me because I do want to learn more about where we came from and where enslaved africans traveled to. I feel most comfortable learning about this lecture. I expect that this course will give me he knowledge about my heritage and its history. The information shown on the slideshow during class opened my eyes and made me interested in what Freshman Seminar has to offer me.

Alexis Nicole Thrasher